Public Research on Climate and Nature

Addressing global warming and nature collapse will require complex, systemic change. Policymakers, companies, financial firms and civil society alike all need accurate data on the various sectors, technologies, and commodities required for the transition. They will also need to ‘connect the dots’ across these commodities and technologies. BloombergNEF works closely with clients to help them develop a broad perspective on the net-zero, nature-positive transition, empowering them to accurately assess, manage and implement the changes that will mark the coming years.

In the leadup to Climate Week NYC, Biodiversity COP16, and COP29, BNEF is publishing a number of public reports to help guide conversations around energy, transport, industry, nature, policy and finance.

If you have any questions about our presence at these events, please contact us at

Featured Research

Emerging Markets Power Factbook

12 November 2024

This is the 13th annual edition of Climatescope, BNEF’s annual assessment of energy transition opportunities. The report now covers 140 emerging and developed markets around the world (of which 30 developed markets) – or nearly every market in the world with over 2 million inhabitants.

Climate Policy Factbook: COP29 Edition

7 November 2024

On the brink of this year’s COP29 summit, governments are grappling with how to devise their next climate plans. Not only are these meant to contain bolder pledges, they also need to account for budgetary constraints, a cost-of-living crisis, the wish for energy independence and use of domestic natural resources, and election outcomes. With that in mind, this fifth edition of the Climate Policy Factbook focuses on three policy areas that would accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy without considerable government outlay: fossil-fuel support, carbon pricing and climate-risk policy.

Opportunity Blossoms: The Business of Curbing Nature Loss

25 October 2024

Shifting the financial flows of the real economy away from activities that are damaging to nature and toward less harmful alternatives presents the most promising and immediate avenue for nature-related investment. The development of profitable, nature-friendly businesses is the key to raising the trillions of dollars needed to meet the goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework and avoiding ecosystem collapse. BloombergNEF has profiled 12 instances of companies that are realizing financial gain by mitigating the drivers of nature loss.

Biodiversity Finance Factbook: COP16 Edition

22 October 2024

The third edition of the BloombergNEF Biodiversity Finance Factbook provides an update on the need for investment into nature, the current flows of finance, and the priority regions where this funding should be deployed. A launch event for the Factbook will be held at COP16 in Cali, Colombia, on October 24. Contact for details.

Energy Transition Factbook

1 October 2024

Clean power, electrified transport, and decarbonized industry are three key pillars in the transition to a low-carbon economy. BloombergNEF’s annual Energy Transition Factbook, produced in collaboration with the Clean Energy Ministerial and Bloomberg Philanthropies, delves into the major trends and identifies critical solutions in each of these sectors. The fourth edition of this flagship report was published for the 15th CEM meeting, in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

BNEF Global Energy & Industry Event Presentations

26 September 2024

At BloombergNEF’s 2024 New York Climate Week event, we heard from industry leaders, policymakers, financiers, and innovative thinkers on strategies to mobilize capital and accelerate the transition to net-zero. BNEF experts presented research insights focused on scaling renewables, zero emission commercial vehicles, and our New Energy Outlook: US.

Unlocking Investment to Triple Renewables by 2030

24 September 2024

COP28 ended with a commitment to triple renewable energy capacity from 2022 levels by 2030, which BloombergNEF analysis suggests would be in line with a pathway to net-zero emissions by 2050. Ten months later, this report examines whether the world is investing enough to meet this target, where it is falling short, and what measures would remove barriers to deployment.

Africa Power Transition Factbook 2024

23 September 2024

The African Union wants to bring 300 gigawatts of renewables online by 2030. Achieving this will require an immediate quadrupling of capacity deployment rates. Some early signs of progress are being made, as BNEF tracked a record $15 billion for renewable energy investment in 2023 in Africa, and solar adoption is broadening. But challenges remain, as only a handful of countries are driving deployment at scale.

Zero-Emission Commercial Vehicles: The Time Is Now

18 September 2024

The market for medium and heavy trucks with zero tailpipe emissions is growing fast, but it is still in the early stages. Adoption of clean trucks varies widely between countries and vehicle use cases. Yet the economics are steadily improving as battery prices fall, and there is a growing opportunity for creative financing and business models to help this market scale up.

Energy Supply Banking Ratios: Implementation Guide

18 September 2024

This guide sets out a series of steps involved in calculating a bank’s ratio of low-carbon to fossil-fuel facilitated financing, in line with BNEF’s Energy Supply Banking Ratio (ESBR). Where possible, this document outlines a range of possible methodological design choices and scope of data inclusion that an individual institution may wish to consider when seeking to calculate its own ratio metric.

Brazil Transition Factbook

18 September 2024

From renewable energy to clean fuels to nature, Brazil’s excellent resources and capabilities have given it a leading role on the global stage. This first Brazil Transition Factbook, produced by BNEF and commissioned by Bloomberg Philanthropies, aims to support policy, business and investment professionals by making key data and insights available on the country’s energy transition themes, trends and opportunities.

NetZero Pathfinders: Delivering Net Zero – A Framework for Policymakers

12 September 2024

NetZero Pathfinders simplifies policymakers’ search to find, design and implement decarbonization strategies. It showcases the most effective policy solutions, known as ‘best practices’, that can be replicated across an array of markets to accelerate progress to net zero.

Pathfinders’ best practices are powered by the expertise of hundreds of BNEF analysts, using metrics, to identify the most impactful climate solutions. By showing what really works, Pathfinders builds a community of decision makers to drive the implementation of solutions and mitigate climate change.

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