August 13 2020

Power Sector To Spend $5 Billion on Software by 2025

New BloombergNEF research shows that the power sector will spend $3.2 billion on software in 2020 to optimize the performance, costs and revenues of generation and grid assets.

August 7 2020

McCrone: Don’t Get Euphoric – Risks Yet For World Energy Transition

"I see five big hazards facing the low-carbon transition from the second half of 2020 onwards. The first of them concerns the months ahead and into next year, the others are more likely to have an impact in the medium term."

August 4 2020

Oil & Gas Majors Pivoting to Renewables in Pandemic: Q&A

The global pandemic of 2020 has slowed down demand for oil and gas but provided a big boost for renewables, said Mona Dajani, partner and global head of energy and infrastructure at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP in New York.

July 27 2020

Virus May Speed Low-Carbon Shift, Google’s Hamel Says: Q&A

The Covid-19 pandemic is hurting the clean energy industry now but may bring about a boom similar to the effect of the 2008 recession, Jeff Hamel, Google’s head of industry partnerships, said in an interview with BloombergNEF.

July 13 2020

Colossal Six Months for Offshore Wind Support Renewable Energy Investment in First Half of 2020

  Global investment in new renewables capacity rose 5% in 1H 2020, defying Covid-19 recession   London and New York, July 13, 2020 – Renewable energy capacity investment showed great resilience in the first half of 2020, in the face of the unprecedented economic shock caused by the coronavirus, according to the latest figures from […]

July 1 2020

Solar Mini-grids Set to Play Critical Role in Achieving Universal Electricity Access with Right Policy Support

  BNEF and SEforALL research for the Mini-Grids Partnership identified 5,544 installed mini-grids in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and small island nations, with some in Latin America. The estimated cost of electricity is $0.49-0.68/kWh for isolated solar hybrid mini-grids for productive-use customers and households. 111 million households could be served by mini-grids in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and […]

June 29 2020

Merger Complete, Invinity Targets Solar-Plus-Storage: Q&A

Invinity Energy Systems, the vanadium flow battery company formed in April by the merger of the North American firm Avalon Battery and the U.K.-based redT, is focusing on the North American energy storage market, specifically on solar-plus-storage applications.

June 26 2020

Liebreich: Energy Efficiency Key To Covid Recovery

We are living through one of the most extraordinary years in recent history, a year none of us will ever forget. Much has been written about the parallels with 1918, the year of the Spanish Flu, but I want to start by taking you back even further, to 1868, a year in which a number of developments occurred which still resonate today.

June 26 2020

New Report Presents India’s Clean Energy Progress as a Model for Cleaner Economic Growth and Recovery Following Covid-19

  “India’s Clean Power Revolution” report by BloombergNEF and Bloomberg Philanthropies shows how India has become a thriving clean energy market, and how it can achieve its renewable power target of 450GW by 2030, the most ambitious in the world Read the full report here.   New York and New Delhi, June 26, 2020 — […]

June 25 2020

Well Built Green Stimulus Packages Can Revitalize Economies, Help the Climate

Governments are unveiling trillions of dollars of stimulus measures to revive the economy from a potentially deeper downturn than the 2008-09 financial crisis. 


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