December 17 2019

Liebreich: Peak Emissions Are Closer Than You Think – and Here’s Why

So here we are, standing on the threshold of a new decade. It will be, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, a decade of consequences. Play it right, and we have a chance of avoiding the worst impacts of climate change. Waste it, and we are in uncharted territory.

December 16 2019

U.K. Solar Can Live Without Subsidy or Long-Term PPA: Q&A

NextEnergy Capital Ltd says it will build as much as 1.2 gigawatts of solar power projects in the U.K. without either government-set subsidies or long-term power purchase agreements with utilities or corporate electricity buyers.

December 4 2019

Assets Providing Flexibility Are Key To Maximizing The Role Of Renewable Energy In Spain And Chile

New reports show how batteries, dynamic electric vehicle charging and interconnectors will have major influence on emissions between now and 2050.

November 25 2019

Getting Power to the Last Billion, One Box at a Time: Q&A

Grid extensions are the primary way to boost electricity access, BNEF reported in its Frontier Power Market Outlook in March, but they aren’t the only way. The Boston-based startup OffGridBoxbuilds what the company name implies: boxes that work off the grid. Specifically, the boxes are 6-foot cubes with solar panels mounted on top.

November 25 2019

Clean Energy Investment In Developing Nations Slumps As Financing In China Slows

Coal burn surges to a record high in 104 emerging markets tracked in BloombergNEF’s annual Climatescope study.

November 5 2019

Low-Carbon Ventures From High-Carbon Industries: Q&A

Oil and gas companies are putting money into finding marketable ways to reduce those emissions, in part by joining to create the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative, an investment fund announced in 2014.

October 30 2019

McCrone: Clean Energy’s Decade Nearly Gone, And Its Decade Ahead

Ten years ago, the planet was facing a climate change emergency – and now, yes, it is facing a climate change emergency. Therefore surely the 2010s, which end in two months’ time, have been a “wasted decade” from the point of view of climate and the decarbonization of energy?

October 14 2019

Bullard: How a Battery Can Lead a Quiet Revolution

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences concluded its announcement of this year’s chemistry prize rather poetically: “Lithium-ion batteries have revolutionized our lives since they first entered the market in 1991,” the academy said.

October 14 2019

International Groups Spot Allure of India Rooftop Solar: Q&A

Commercial and industrial users present an especially appealing use case for solar power. Since they pay India’s highest electricity tariffs, they can see an immediate saving when they switch to solar.

October 2 2019

New Green Investment Group Tool Demonstrates the Climate Benefits of Over 40,000 Wind and Solar Assets in Partnership with BloombergNEF (BNEF)

GIG’s Carbon Score tool will use BloombergNEF’s (BNEF) renewable energy project data to assess the positive carbon impact of over 40,000 wind and solar assets Over 60% of wind and solar projects globally will receive a GIG Carbon Score The Carbon Score will provide robust and comparable data to allow measurement of renewables assets’ contribution […]


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