February 10 2020

California Household Battery Sales to Quadruple in 2020

California residential battery sales will more than quadruple in 2020. After widespread and lengthy outages in 2019, customers installing solar are willing to pay a premium to add storage for backup.

February 7 2020

Firms Using Renewables Take Up E-Cars More Quickly: Q&A

Lithium Urban Technologies, a provider of electric car fleets to companies in India, offers “up to 40%” savings to clients switching from their conventional fossil-fuel vehicles. A part of this saving is attributable to the use in charging of renewable energy,which is priced much lower than grid power.

February 6 2020

Sub-Saharan African Countries Saw Record Spike in Renewables Investment in 2018

Sub-Saharan countries excluding South Africa likely to install 1.2GW of renewables capacity in 2021.

February 3 2020

Latin America Hit New Clean Energy Investment Record, 2019

Latin America’s clean energy investment rebounded last year – increasing 54% on 2018 levels to hit $18.1 billion.

January 28 2020

Corporate Clean Energy Buying Leapt 44% in 2019, Sets New Record

Corporations purchased 19.5 gigawatts of clean power through long-term contracts, dwarfing the previous year’s record, driven by activity in the U.S. and corporate sustainability commitments.

January 28 2020

The First Phase of the Transition is About Electricity, Not Primary Energy

Thinking about the world in terms of primary energy masks the important role of electricity where heat losses are highest at around 63%. It can also help to explain why many of the world’s most eminent energy experts have underestimated the growth to date of renewable energy, and its future potential.

January 21 2020

Top Five Emerging Markets for Clean Energy Investment

For the first time since BloombergNEF began the Climatescope survey, India tops the rankings. The Asian nation is followed in the top five by Chile, Brazil, China and Kenya.

January 16 2020

Energy, Vehicles, Sustainability – 10 Predictions for 2020

BloombergNEF's 10 predictions for what the year 2020 will bring for the low-carbon transition in energy, transport, commodities and sustainability.

January 16 2020

Late Surge in Offshore Wind Financings Helps 2019 Renewables Investment to Overtake 2018

A string of billion-dollar deals off coasts of mainland China and Taiwan, and in British, French and Dutch waters, made 2019 an all-time high for offshore wind.

January 7 2020

Decarbonizing Industrial Heat a Key to Climate Fight: Q&A

Industrial heat, or the thermal energy used in manufacturing processes, is largely unseen, even though it is a big producer of greenhouse gas emissions. Governments around the world can play a critical role in decarbonizing industrial heat by using their procurement policies effectively, according to one energy expert.


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