November 14 2017

Cheap Battery Forecasts Kill India’s 25-Year Coal Power Deals

India’s power distributors are balking at traditional 25-year thermal-power purchase contracts, avoiding lengthy entanglements so they can benefit as costs for batteries and renewable energy slide. Now in vogue: agreements that last 10 years or even less. “In the next five to 10 years battery storage may be coming in a big way,” Deepak Amitabh, chairman […]

November 14 2017

High Renewable Future in the UK and Germany to Create New Power Systems Flexibility Challenge

Bonn, 13 November 2017 – Economic tipping points mean renewable energy will account for over half of electricity generation by the mid-2020s in the UK and Germany. This comes as the cost of generating energy from wind and solar is expected to more than halve from today’s levels by 2040. This rapid growth in variable renewables […]

November 14 2017

Battery Payback Falls ‘by 2-4 Years’ if Owners Aid Grid: Q&A

By Bryony Collins, Bloomberg New Energy Finance editorial team. This article first appeared on the Bloomberg Terminal and is available to BNEF clients on the web. Battery storage company Sonnen offers customers in Germany the opportunity to own their own electricity supply. It says solar panels and a Sonnen battery can supply around 75 percent of a typical household’s […]

November 13 2017

West Africa’s Off-Grid Solar Market Boom Drives Lumos Expansion

Written by Olivier Monnier. This article first appeared in Bloomberg Markets.  West Africa’s booming off-grid solar industry is drawing international investors eyeing expansion. Lumos Global, a Dutch off-grid developer that raised $90 million last year to start business in Nigeria, said its expanding in Ivory Coast this month. In both countries, Amsterdam-based Lumos is using […]

November 10 2017

Why India’s Coal Power Build-out Will Falter

This analysis is by Bloomberg New Energy Finance analyst Atin Jain. It appeared first on the Bloomberg Terminal and on on May 19, 2017.  Coal power prices in India are on the rise, driven by the growing cost of domestic production and impending tougher environmental regulations. As renewable energy prices continue to fall, coal, which […]

November 10 2017

Germany Could Escape Carbon Hole at Home by Investing Abroad

Written by Mathew Carr and Brian Parkin. This article first appeared in Bloomberg Technology. Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel finds herself in a bit of a pollution pickle. After she promised voters just before the September general election that Europe’s biggest economy would find a way to meet its emissions target no matter what, her government […]

November 9 2017

Solar Installers Are Starting to Turn a Profit

Written by Brian Eckhouse. This article first appeared in Bloomberg Technology. There’s long been a Catch-22 about residential solar: despite staggering market demand, it’s been hard to make money doing it. Until now. Sunrun Inc. said Wednesday that it’s cash-flow positive. And Blackstone Group LP-backed Vivint Solar Inc. expects to hit that mark next year. Rooftop […]

November 9 2017

Digitalization of Energy Systems

As electrical grids evolve to meet the needs of the 21st century, one thing is clear: digitalization will be everywhere. It’s already helping keep the transmission grid stable by balancing reserves from intermittent sources like wind and solar. As more connected sensors are put in place, digitalization will help cut costs by improving efficiency in […]

November 8 2017

Coal’s Trump Bump Is Over

Written by Brian Eckhouse and Tim Loh. This article first appeared in Bloomberg News.   It’s been a year since President Donald Trump’s election and his pledges to transform the energy markets haven’t exactly come to pass. In fact, what was true under President Barack Obama is still true today: Coal’s share of the power […]

November 8 2017

How to Mitigate Renewables Risks in Emerging Markets

This analysis is by Bloomberg New Energy Finance analyst Victoria Cuming. It appeared first on the Bloomberg Terminal and on  Every renewable energy project entails risk, but one in an emerging market can mean more, and different types of, risk including: political change, offtaker non-payment, power purchase agreement talks with no deal, currency fluctuation, […]


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